

If you’re planning to establish your company in Dubai Mainland, then being a foreign national, need of local sponsor is the only choice. The sponsor should be national citizen of UAE. And if you want to incorporate your business in Freezone, then there’s no such requirement.


We need to understand your business domain to provide you the right trade license for setting up the business in UAE.

If you don’t require an office setup, then these type of licenses in Freezone like UAQFZ offers cheapest licenses.

The share capital is the minimum account required to setup a company in Dubai. The amount is divided further to fulfill various other business requirements.


If you want to change the registered office address of your company in UAE, then you need to apply redomiciliation to authority in UAE along with a set of documents that includes company name and place of current registration along with changed place in UAE, the description on nature of the business, etc.
  1. t saves you time. If you spend a lot of your time answering emails or social media queries, an FAQ can be a real timesaver. It can also help prevent costly and time-consuming returns in your online store. 
  2. It brings new website traffic and new customers. Google’s goal is to deliver answers to questions. If you put your text in a Q&A format, you’re doing half the work already. Even better, if you have a good answer to a question, you might get featured in one of Google’s answer boxes or feature snippets, which will give you a big traffic boost.
  3. It builds trust and shows that you get it: A well-written FAQ page shows experience. You know what customers are thinking and you’ve already got an answer. It’s a great way to increase the trust and professionalism of your website.
  1. t saves you time. If you spend a lot of your time answering emails or social media queries, an FAQ can be a real timesaver. It can also help prevent costly and time-consuming returns in your online store. 
  2. It brings new website traffic and new customers. Google’s goal is to deliver answers to questions. If you put your text in a Q&A format, you’re doing half the work already. Even better, if you have a good answer to a question, you might get featured in one of Google’s answer boxes or feature snippets, which will give you a big traffic boost.
  3. It builds trust and shows that you get it: A well-written FAQ page shows experience. You know what customers are thinking and you’ve already got an answer. It’s a great way to increase the trust and professionalism of your website.